HIV Prevention
Over the last decade, there has been steep decline in new HIV diagnoses among BME groups in the UK.
However BME men and women are still diagnosed late, especially among those who reside outside London, where HIV stigma affects uptake of HIV testing.
HIV treatments are now working well, but BME individuals are not fully benefiting, due to a lack of awareness of the medical progress made in the fight against HIV. Many are not aware that taking Pre or Post-exposure prophylaxis treatment can reduce the risk of someone exposed to HIV becoming infected. Effective treatment also reduces the risk of HIV transmission. Someone who has undetectable levels of virus in their blood does not pose an infection risk to their sexual partners. (Undetectable = Untransmittable),
MSDC is committed to improving knowledge and understanding of the benefits of HIV testing, HIV prevention options, and adherence to treatment among Black Minority Ethnic groups in the UK.